Wednesday 11 April 2018

Sunday, first day of work and meeting more roommates

Hey there,

so heres the first English double-update.
So like I already wrote in the last entry Maxine and me went out on Saturday night.So first we went to 'The Quays' and afterwards to 'The Front Door'. Both places were absolutely packed. On the second pub we met a friend of hers whose birthday was on Sunday so we stayed there and chatted to her and her friends.
After another lay-in on Sunday I met Emma. One of the four girls who were still away travelling when I arrived. She is from Cleveland, Ohio, and a real chatterbox/ball of energy. But very lovely. For dinner we went out to get burritos and chatted a bit more. So I had a very lazy Sunday.

Yesterday, Monday, the 9th of  April, was my first real day of work though. John said to be there around 9:30 so I did that. He then showed me how they test iPhones, which they want to resell. So this was my task for the day: to test all the phones he gave me and to write anything that's wrong with each down in order for it to be checked out. After finishing this task he let me go to take the afternoon off.
Using this opportunity I explored a bit more of Galway. But before that I took all my stuff home and on arrival I met another one of my roommates: Mackenzie. She's from New York and studies biology and chemestry. These last few days she went to Cyprus and Israel. After meeting her I went out again.
My first destination of the day was to get some food since I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast and it was teatime already. So I went down to Quay Street, which starts at the Spanish Arch, and got some fish'n'chips. Afterwards I just walked up Quay Street and went to St. Nicolas' Collegiate Church, which was first mentioned in 1320.

Right next to the church is a memorial called Lynch's window. There the mayor and judge at that time (1493) James Lynch hanged his own son, who had murdered a Spanish guest. He did it himself because he couldn't find anyone to execute his son. It's further said that he hung him out of his homes window since they couldn't get to the execution site and that the word 'lynching' has its origin in that story.

Lynch's window

Right around the corner from the window is the Nora Barnacle house. Nora was the wife of James Joyce, one of Ireland's best known authors. Now there is a museum about her in the house. But it is open randomly and I wasn't lucky enough.

Nora Barnacle house

From there I went to the Salmon Weir Bridge. During the salmon run this is the perfect place to watch the salmon swimming up the river.  You can also see there how the water is just going a bit crazy at the dam.

dam at Salmon Weir Bridge

Right next to the bridge is Galway cathedral, which has the very long name of 'Cathedral of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven and St Nicholas'. It is quite formidable on the outside as it is on the inside.

Galway Cathedral

window at the entrance at Galway Cathedral

window at Galway Cathedral

Since the weather was changing and I didn't bring anything with me I made my way back home. On the way I bought a pair of nice wool socks since the floor of the apartment is quite cold and I don't want to walk around in my shoes all the time. Yet I found that finding a pair of socks smaller the a size 4 (37) isn't quite as easy as you may think or as it is in Germany. Also I went to a butcher to get some mince for a bolognese sauce, which I cooked for dinner. After that I just sat with the other girls and chatted a bit before going to bed to be fit for work today.
This morning I was the first one (and kind of the only one) up and got ready. While I was preparing my breakfast a very sleepy girl came into the kitchen and introduced herself as Anna. She and Acadia (the last roommate I just briefley met) arrived last night around 3 in the morning. So after meeting her and almost missing my bus I arrived at iBroke and John told me that the new shelves hadn't arrived yesterday as planned, so he gave me time to look at their website, write most of this post your currently reading and just listening to clients coming in. After the shelves arrived around 10:30 I started stockcounting all screens they have. Many of you probably don't see how that fits in my apprenticeship but it actually does perfectly as the last topic we had in economics had to do with stocktaking and I got to know all screens and the differences between them. Like the differences of an iPhone 5, an iPhone 5C and an iPhone 5S screen  or an iPhone 4 and 4S screen for example. So my task today and ongoing until it is finished is to count and label all screens before putting them into the new shelves.
Back in the flat I met my last roommate Acadia. But only very briefly since she has a date this evening. The other girls and me went to another apartment where some guys their friends with live.

So that's it for now. I'm off to bed. Stay tuned. Cheers!



  1. Hehe...Juli und die Amerikanerinnen...klingt nach einem guten Buchtitel. Deine Arbeit klingt momentan noch öde....die ganze Zeit iPhones überprüfen und listen ist jetzt nicht unbedingt das, was man die ganze Zeit machen möchte. Ich hoffe, da kommt noch etwas Abwechslung rein und ein paar spannendere Themen. Ich wünsche dir aber jetzt schon mal viel Spaß in der kommenden Woche mit Heiko. LG Heike

    1. Hey Heike,
      das koennte tatsaechlich noch ein Buch werden :D
      Mal schauen, gleich bekomm ich ne neue Aufgabe und dann seh ich ja, ob das schon Abwechslung is. Wirst du ja dann lesen.
      Dankeschoen :) Ich freu mich schon auf den Ausflug nach Kilkenny!
      Liebe Gruesse

    2. ...und ich mich dann aufs lesen ;-)
      Lass es dir gut gehen :-*
